Abstract Submission (Deadline 2nd May 2022)
Abstracts must be in English and have a strict minimum and maximum character limit (max 500 words)
Each first author can submit only one abstract.
Abstracts lacking in substance may not be accepted. All abstracts should have a clear description of the research with mention of methods and results.
Accepted presenters will be notified.
Due to time constraints, only a limited number of podiums presentations will be accepted. Therefore, some authors not accepted for podium talks will be offered the option of presenting a poster.
Information for presenters
Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present and a very strict 5 minutes at the end of each slot for questions directed at the presenter. There will be a signal to indicate when presenters must make concluding statements and when their time is up. Presenters must have their presentations on a USB drive to be given before the sessions. Presentations must be in .ppt or .pptx format. We recommend the use of 16:9 format for your presentation.
Poster Presentations
All posters must be in A0 (841mm x 1189 mm). Landscape format will not be accepted due to space requirements, so only vertical format will be accepted. Presenters are expected to print and bring their poster with them to the meeting and display them before the poster session. Presenters are responsible for hanging their own poster on the designated board.